2016-02-13 - Barry Bilocation


~5.9 miles @ ~13.0 min/mi

"Roid Joy?" Barry seems even more optimistic than his usual cheerful state, just minutes after taking newly-prescribed (cortico-)steroids in hopes they help heal his hurt hip. We trek together around the Dennis Avenue flood control reservoir in his 'hood, scaring dozens of geese, witnessing a great blue heron in flight, and comparing notes on injuries. Stiff northwest zephyrs gust to ~30 mi/hr, and combine with temperatures in the low 20's Fahrenheit for near-zero wind-chill. Brrrrrrrr! First and final miles are a brisk ~10 min pace. A panorama photo taken at the pond shows Barry twice, as he runs around to the opposite side while I pan.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-02-26